To integrate Wwise into Unreal Engine 4, you need to install the Wwise Integration Package from Audiokinetic. The installation process is handled by a helper application named Wwise Launcher.
Install the Wwise Integration Package into Unreal Engine 4
Open the downloaded Wwise Launcher, login with your Wwise account and switch to the Unreal tab. You will be presented with a list of your Unreal projects. Click on the blue Integrate Wwise into Project… button to initiate the integration process:

In the following screen you have to possibility to customize the Wwise Integration before install:

If you’ve already created a Wwise project, enter the project path into the Wwise Project Path field. Otherwise it will automatically create a new Wwise project (located inside Unreals’s project directory) for you. Max Simultaneous Reverb Volumes is the maximum number of Ak Reverb Volumes that can affect a sound. Setting this to zero disables all Ak Reverb Volumes in-game.
Wwise Integration settings for C++ Projects
Add the following code to your Build.cs file to be able to reference Wwise in the code:
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "AkAudio" });
In Unreal, refresh the Visual Studio Solution by clicking on File->Refresh Visual Studio Project:

Congratulations! You installed the Wwise Integration plugin and are now ready to post Wwise Events in Unreal Engine 4.