FMOD Studio Scripting API Basics

FMOD Studio provides a Scripting API that allows us to control and edit the application by writing JavaScript code. This is extremely useful when automating tasks or to extend functionalities of the editor. It is possible to create scripts to bulk rename markers, parse spreadsheets to create events, create ScriptableObjects .cs files for Unity for example.

There a three ways to use the Scripting API:

  1. Directly executing commands in the console interface.
  2. Writing and executing .js scripts.
  3. Sending commands via TCP/IP.

Let’s have a brief look at each method.

Using the console to execute commands

We can input commands directly into the console. You can open the console by pressing CTRL+0 or clicking on the menu item Window->Console:

FMOD Studio Console
FMOD Studio Console

Creating and executing a script

To execute a script in FMOD Studio you need to create a Scripts folder in the root directory of your FMOD Project. Alternatively, you can use the scripts folder already present in the installation directory of FMOD Studio. There is also a system-wide Scripts folder placed under %localappdata%/FMOD Studio/Scripts on Windows and ~/Library/Application Support/FMOD Studio/Scripts on macOS. A minimal JavaScript script example might look like this:{
    name: "Scripts\\Hello World",

    execute: function () {
        console.log("Hello World");

Here we are adding a new menu item to the Scripts menu bar by calling After reloading your scripts by clicking on Scripts->Reload you’ll find the new menu entry in the scripts menu bar. By clicking on the script the code inside the execute function will be executed. In this example we are printing hello world to the console.

Sending commands via TCP/IP

When opening the console you can see the IP and port you can connect to:

FMOD Studio Scripting API IP displayed in the console
FMOD Studio Scripting API IP displayed in the console

You can test the connection by using a software like Packet Sender to send commands to FMOD Studio:

FMOD Studio Scripting API TCP/IP example
FMOD Studio Scripting API TCP/IP example

If you are working on an external tool, it should be easy to interface with FMOD Studio. Managing and editing a FMOD project inside your game engine should also be possible with a few scripts.

Command list

Here you can find a list of commands I personally find useful. For a more complete overview of the API, consult the Scripting API documentation page. You can get the properties of any object in FMOD Studio project by calling dump() on that object.

Event commands

Getting all events

var events = studio.project.model.Event.findInstances();

findInstances() will return an array containing all event ManagedObjects.

Getting the current selected event in the event browser

var event = studio.window.browserCurrent();

Getting an event

var event = studio.project.lookup("event:/testFolder/testEvent");

Creating an event

var event = studio.project.create("Event");

Setting the name of the event = "My Event Name";

Creating a folder

var folder = studio.project.create('EventFolder'); = "Hello World";

Assigning a folder to an event

event.folder = folder;

Adding a group track to the event

var track = event.addGroupTrack();

Adding instruments to a group track

track.addSound(parameter, soundType, start, length)

parameter is the parameter we are adding the instrument to. If you want to add an instrument to the timeline sheet, use the timeline property of a ManagedObject:Event. start and length is the respective start time and length in seconds.

To add a Single Instrument to the track on the timeline we would write:

var singleInstrument = track.addSound(event.timeline, 'SingleSound', 0, 10);

The following instruments are available:

  • SingleSound
  • MultiSound
  • ProgrammerSound
  • SoundScatterer

Importing an audio asset into the FMOD project

var asset = studio.project.importAudioFile(path);

path is the file path. It will return an AudioFile ManagedObject. It will return null if it can’t find the file.

Assigning an audio asset to a Single Instrument

singleSound.audioFile = asset; 

Assigning Single Instruments to a Multi Instrument

First, create a new multi instrument:

var multiSound = track.addSound(event.timeline, 'MultiSound', 0, 10);

Then set the multi instrument to the owner of the single instrument :

singleSound.owner = multiSound;

The same principle applies to a scatterer instrument.

Adding effects to the master track of an event

var effect = event.masterTrack.mixerGroup.effectChain.addEffect('SpatialiserEffect');

The following effects are available:

  • ThreeEQEffect
  • GainEffect
  • ChannelMixEffect
  • ChorusEffect
  • CompressorEffect
  • ConvolutionReverbEffect
  • DistortionEffect
  • DelayEffect
  • FlangerEffect
  • LimiterEffect
  • MultibandEqEffect
  • PitchShifterEffect
  • SFXReverbEffect
  • TransceiverEffect
  • TremoloEffect
  • HighpassEffect
  • HighpassSimpleEffect
  • LowpassEffect
  • LowpassSimpleEffect
  • ParamEqEffect
  • SpatialiserEffect
  • ObjectSpatialiserEffect
  • LoudnessMeter

Getting the currently selected item in the editor window

var item = studio.window.editorSelection();

This can be a marker, an instrument and so on.

Setting the max instances value of an event

event.automatableProperties.maxVoices = 3; // number

Parameter commands

Getting all the parameters of an event

var parameters = event.getParameterPresets();

Adding a new parameter to an event

var param = event.addGameParameter({ 
    name: "Test", 
    type: studio.project.parameterType.User, 
    min: -1, 
    max: 20 

studio.project.parameterType corresponds to the parameter types available. These are:

  • User
  • Distance
  • Direction
  • Elevation
  • EventConeAngle
  • EventOrientation
  • UserEnumeration

Adding a labeled parameter to an event

First, create a parameter with the UserEnumeration parameterType:

var param = event.addGameParameter({ 
    name: "Test", 
    type: studio.project.parameterType.UserEnumeration, 

Create an array containing your parameter values and assign the array to the enumerationLabels of the parameter:

var paramArr = ["First Label", "Second Label", "Third Label"];
param.preset.enumerationLabels = paramArr;

Setting the initial value of a parameter

param.preset.initialValue = 1 // number

Mixer commands

Getting all mixer groups

var mixerGroups = studio.project.model.MixerGroup.findInstances();

findInstances() will return an array containing all mixer groups.

Creating a new mixer group

var mixerGroup = studio.project.create("MixerGroup"); = "New Group";

Setting the volume of a mixer group

mixerGroup.volume = -20; // number from -80 to 10

Deleting a mixer group


Banks Commands

Creating a new bank

var bank = studio.project.create("Bank"); = "New Bank";

Assigning events to banks


Project Commands

Getting the path to the project’s .fspro file

var projectPath = studio.project.filePath;

Saving a project;

Building the project;

File Commands

Reading a file

var file = studio.system.getFile(filePath);; // returns true if succeeded
var fileSize = file.size();
var text = file.readText(fileSize);

Writing to a file

var file = studio.system.getFile(filePath);; // returns true if succeeded
file.writeText("Hello World"); // Returns the num. of bytes that were written or -1 if an error occurred.

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